My title (Lyrics from "The liar and the lighter") was not referring to me and another human being, nope, I was talking about my relationship with my hair. Because we definitely were not in love, a year ago I decided it would be a great idea to *STUPID IDEA ALERT* cut off almost all my hair.
The thoughts were that
a) It would be really unique and cool
b) I would never have to style it
Yep, that was how I thought of it. Never did I think "Hmm, I might regret this because I won't have any hair to do anything with, it is a big decision to make and if I ever to want it back it will take a long time to grow."
If only I had thought any of those things and held off the chop, but no, I wanted to be different.
And now a year on, I'm still sat here with hella short hair, wanting it back!
This is probably about the third time I've said I'm growing it back, but I am determined now!!
I miss being able to do things with my hair, I hate having a god awful Bieber flick
and I don't like looking like a guy!
So here are a couple of ideas I liked, I am totally rubbish at making decisions, so these are just things I like the look of.
The Leah Look
I've been a fan of Leah since last year, and have always loved her signature look, her full block colour fringe is amazing!!
Could I go scene?
In my last year of primary I developed I complete obsession with scene haircuts, and I think that obsession may be coming back. I think they are totally cute! And I do tend to wear a lot of eye liner. Could I pull it off or would I just look uber Gothic?
Could I go all New Girl?
I looooove Zooey Deschanel, and her hair is just so cute and preppy. I seem to be leaning towards the whole fringe thing, and if I decided to go like Zooey then I could go back to my natural colour, YAY!!
Pleeaasseee leave me any hair ideas, because I NEED INSPO!!
Zoeeeeeeyyy :)) it would look so gorgeous! xx