Wednesday, 24 July 2013

That's the stuff I like!

So, July is almost over and it has been a pretty damn good month! I discovered a love for many new things this month and I'd like to share them with you.
So here you go, the things that have made me grin this month, enjoy!

1. Boy friends! (Not actual boyfriends, but friends who are boys)
My best friend in the whole wide world ever Eilidhcakes (She's really called Eilidh, but I may start referring to her as Eilidhcakes) has just got back from America, while she was away I had NO IDEA what to do with myself, so I had to turn to my trusty guy mates to waste away my hours with.
I hadn't realised how much I love them all, not in an "I love you so lets get married and have ten children" way, more of an "Damn I love the way you can make me laugh until I think I'm going to be sick!" way. Boys are great, when I'm with my four best friends EilidhRosa BluebellAlice and Mara I have a great time but I am no doubt the gobbiest, loudest and most rude of the five of us but when I'm with the guys I don't sound so loud, because they are all crazy!
If this was a couple of years ago I would no way be able to chill with them the way I do now, I most likely would have had a crush on one of them so I would have constantly been trying too hard. But now, I'm so comfortable around them it's like one big family and I'm the little sister. I love making a fool of myself and being able to laugh uncontrollably without worrying about being judged. I've spent many a brilliant afternoon with the boys this summer and it has been great, so that is why they are on the top of my list!

2. Running.
I started running again this month, after not doing it for about a year. I forgot how free it makes you feel, giving you time to think whilst being really good for you at the same time! I adore taking runs down by the river and stopping to sit on the rocks and think, I am a big thinker, sometimes my thoughts scare me but I really do love getting outside so I can have a good old think.
The weather has been brilliant this month so running has been an absolute joy in the evenings, I really hope to keep it up.

3. Lauren Aquilina.
Okay, music was obviously going to be on this list somewhere because music is just aghhhh, I can't even begin to explain how much music means to me. But this girl, she is more than music. She is inexplicably haunting yet comforting and just so insane. Her music has really made me happy this month so you should all check her out!

Okay, I'm having a bit of a shoe addiction this month. Shoes have just been making me really happy, that's probably really sad, but it's true!
I finally gave in and bought creepers AND new heels all in one week, but it was a great decision, I not only have new foot wear, but I also feel taller! Great!

So those are a couple of the things that have made me happy this month, what's made you happy?

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